History of the floor polishing and guidelines

concretefloorpolisher advice guides
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Do you think about polishing your concrete floor? Then don’t think and do polishing on your concrete floors. Polished concrete is a multi-stage process. You know your floor is already mechanically grounded and honed. You do one thing that is polishing the floor with bonded adhesives on your floor. It makes your floor clean and brighter. Hardening the concrete floor and it makes a main major role in polished concrete floors. If you want the best floor polishing, then you will follow the advice guidelines for polishing concrete floors. And this called concretefloorpolisher advice guides .

concretefloorpolisher advice guides

Do you know the history of the polishing?

  • Polished concrete was discovered in the city named Jericho, in the valley of river Jordan. According to our source bible, Jericho fell in 1200B.C. archaeologists found there are several concrete layers in the Jericho city. The interesting fact is that the concrete layers were polished. Yes, they were polished concrete layers. Once In 1886 and 1887, the Israeli archaeologist Garfinkle from Sweden, once he while bulldozing for a new motor speedway and his team discovered concrete floors with polishing. They took the samples and analyzed them in the laboratory and they found it belongs to 7000 BC. And those samples had a thickness of around 6 centimeters to 8 centimeters. And he also stated that it also well crafted and fine polished too.
  • Once in the 90s, the Tunisian building contractor worked for a palace in Tunisia. He scratched the floor with natural stones and then he left. A few hours later, he found that the floor was accidentally polished. This is the birth story of polished concrete floors. They found the floor was very neat and cleared.

What are the advice guidelines for polishing concrete floors?

There are major seven guidelines to follow to make a well-polished concrete floor. And there are be informed, limitations, techniques, comparing costs, licensing, new construction slabs, consider your option.

 Be informed: always informed with your floor status. Be informed with your contractor always. Yes, keep status about your floor status to the contractor. Because this status helps your contractor for floor planning.

Limitations: first of all, know your limitations in your budget. Make a better outcome for your budget. So, don’t afraid to ask your questions to your contractor. Because you know the project details by asking questions frequently. So know the plan and make your budget.

Techniques:  techniques, products, and equipment vary from one contractor to another contractor. So you want to know one thing that is which contractor gives the best techniques and products. Then go with that contractor.

Comparing cost: even cost also varying one contractor to other contractors. Some contractor charging for remove floors and some contractors doesn’t. So know the best contractor with the least price and great quality. It’s not about money. It’s about quality. Then go with that contractor.


The first thing is to check if they were approved by the government. If they don’t, then don’t go with that fraud.

Considering your option:

The first thing is to know their floor plan and then tell your options. Because it makes your floor better. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.