Finer Methods for the Best Dishcloths

Swedish Dishcloths
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If it is wood, you can proceed with soapy water carefully applied to a sponge. There is no need to put your wooden cutting board in the dishwasher, a laborious rubbing with the sponge soaked in soapy water is enough. Then spread white vinegar on your cutting board to complete your cleaning. The Swedish Dishcloths are essential in this matter now.

If it is plastic, it will be easier to clean, you can either put it in the dishwasher or clean it with plenty of water in which you have dissolved the baking soda.

Descale your sink

Having a sink with a slightly whitish hue is really not the most beautiful effect. This hue effect is due to limescale accumulating on the top layer of the sink. To remedy this, simply make a small mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a container. With your sponge, actively rub your sink until it regains its original appearance.

Clean the bottom of a pan when it has burned

How sad when a black layer of cramé settles in the bottom of a pan, but no panic is not irreversible. You will be able to effectively clean your bottom of pan or dish with for simple materials of water and white vinegar. Pour a glass of water and a glass of white vinegar into the pan, put your pan on low heat for a few minutes. It’s almost magical. The unsightly bottom simply comes off the pan.

Blanch the outside of a pot

Restoring a second life to your pot is not a lot to do when you have the right moves. The most effective way is to first apply baking soda to the part you want to clean and then slowly add white vinegar. A small chemical reaction will take place, no reason to panic, it will foam slightly. Leave on for a few minutes then rinse thoroughly. We can almost call this process magical.

Ceramic plates are an absolutely brilliant invention. In addition to being economical, they are easy to clean. Yes, but like everything, with time, things get complicated. Above all, if one is lax about cleaning. There are many products on the market for this purpose, but they are all a little expensive and filled with chemical agents. So we offer eight home tricks to take care of your ceramic plates.

Swedish Dishcloths

Daily cleaning

It is necessary to clean its plates near each use. The best is to do it when they are still lukewarm. This prevents stains from continuing to burn. Indeed, even if you feel that nothing has spurted from the pan or pan, small particles of grease and dirt fall on the plate.

For daily cleaning, use a window cleaner and a soft cloth: 250 ml of water with 250 ml of domestic alcohol and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. The lemon cut in half prevents the formation of traces of lime. Remember to put a cloth slightly moistened with this mixture on your plates after each use.

Calcined residues low inlay

On the work plan:

  • White vinegar
  • Chemical yeast
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Small towel

Pour white vinegar onto the plates and then add the baking powder in large quantities. Wet the towel in hot water and spread it on your plates. Leave on for a few moments all night, if necessary and then wipe.